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How Good Custom Suit Colors Make Wardrobes Complete

19 Oct, 2015

How Suit Colors Define Your Wardrobe Personality

Good custom suit colors add high sentimental and wholesome value to the suits overall look and appeal. They are designed to make the best tailor in Bangkok designs attain the highest level of fine appearance while making the wearer look elegant and distinguished. Every suits color carries its unique sense of style and many are often attached with portrayal of certain professions or personality. However, a suit carries much more than just looks and attraction. Here are just a few clues, hints, professions and personalities these distinguished custom suit colors carry for a highly demonstrated wardrobe collection.

Tailors in Bangkok Custom Suit Colors and their Significance When building custom suit wardrobes, something is always on the mind of the wearer – color. These are some mainstream suit colors for the urbane male look.

Navy Blue

The epitome appeal and look of the navy blue custom suit fit’s several occasions and functions. It is designed to make the wearer have a charismatic appearance on a daily basic be it office work or the occasional boardroom meeting. Blue always captures a relaxed disposition and pleasant personality in the office or going for interviews.


The gray custom suit color represents the height of classical elegance, maturity and simplicity, experience and calm disposition. In the men's custom suits, gray is mature, wise and conservative. It is not as loud as other colors yet leaves something admirable trait of a timeless classic.


The most authoritative look and impression comes from this shade as it commands power and empathy. It is a favorite be for black tie, fundraisers, charity galas, funerals even weddings. This means the suit commands a versatile appearance and impression of the wearer disposition.

Charcoal Gray

It is versatile suit color for the urban professional who changes from one suit to another as it presents versatile appearance alternatives. It is closely associated to the navy blue suit for working professionals.