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Best Bangkok Tailor is All Set For Another Overseas Trip in July

09 Jul, 2018

Tom's Fahion Overseas Trip: Get Your Bespoke Suit Made in Singapore & Malaysia!

It’s time to hold your horses because we are about to announce our details for the upcoming overseas trip in the month of July.

Well, the Thailand Tailor is yet again preparing to pay a visit to your country- Singapore and Malaysia with our Best Bangkok Tailor this Month from Jul 22 to 26, 2018.

 Here’s the schedule:

Tom’s Fashion Visit in July 2018



















 Kuala Lumpur





 Kuala Lumpur



As suit customization is our passion, it draws us towards itself time and again. You can find our teams grooved in designing or getting into conversations with the clients to understand their requirements or even provide answers to their questions related to suits, fittings, or fabrics etc.  Therefore, in order to stay in touch with those who cannot come to Bangkok to see us, we pack our bags and head for our overseas trip just to see them. The reward for this efforts is our happy old and many new customers.

Isn’t it a beautiful bond between us and customers?

So, this time do not forget to come to say Hi. Let’s meet and stitch some of the out-of-the-box suits for you all.

Book your appointments at: 

Contact us at:

Showroom: 19 Soi Preeda Sukhumvit Soi 8, Bangkok 10110 Thailand


Tel: +66 2653-3983

Fax: +66 2254-2004

Business Hours: Monday – Saturday from 10:30 AM - 8:30 PM